Project Cure
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The Woodridge Rotary Club hosted its monthly social meeting at Shanahan's Food & Spirits on Tuesday July 11th.
The club welcomed Katie Hanlon executive director 4PROJECT C. U. R. E., They are located in Woodridge Illinois and have been in business for about 35 years. The company specializes in delivering help and hope by sending donated health equipment to those in need around the world.
Project C.U.R.E. is the world’s largest distributor of donated medical equipment and supplies to resource-limited communities across the globe. Founded in 1987, the organization partners with U.S. hospitals, manufacturers, and other donors to collect medical supplies and equipment. Those items are distributed to hospitals and clinics serving people in countries where the average wage is often less than $5 per day.
This work is powered by a corps of over 30,000 committed individuals who volunteer at Project C.U.R.E. warehouses in seven U.S. cities. In the past year alone, they collectively volunteered 146,000 hours resulting in the delivery of 225 forty-foot semi-truck sized freight containers to hundreds of Partner hospitals and clinics around the world.
In 2022, Project C.U.R.E. responded immediately to the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine. Within days, air freight shipments of supplies were delivered to help the wounded, displaced and suffering people throughout the region. Over 1,000 separate relief shipments have been received by the victims of the war, and the work in Ukraine continues. Several months later, Project C.U.R.E. was there again after the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. This spring, Project C.U.R.E. debuted an original C.U.R.E. College training program for the detection and treatment of cervical cancer. Project C.U.R.E. is committed to continuing to provide desperately needed medical supplies, equipment and services to people facing life’s most difficult healthcare situations.