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Woodridge Rotary annual installation of officers and Scholarship awards

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Rotary Annual Installation Of Officers And Awards Dinner.

There were three scholarship winners and their families who attended the dinner, Maija Flannery, Juliana Urgello and Sara Ryan.

The Woodridge Rotary Club gathered together at Shanahan's Food & Spirits on Tuesday June 25th for its annual installation of officers and awards dinnerMary Onorad led the club on the Pledge of Allegiance, Four Way Test and Grace. President Rich Moore welcomed two new members to the Woodridge Rotary Club, Bill Thompson and Adrienne Murphy.



Rotary Annual Installation Of Officers And Awards Dinner.

There were three scholarship winners and their families who attended the dinner, Maija Flannery, Juliana Urgello and Sara Ryan.





The Woodridge Rotary Club gathered together at Shanahan's Food & Spirits on Tuesday June 25th for its annual installation of officers and awards dinner.

Mary Onorad led the club on the Pledge of Allegiance, Four Way Test and Grace. President Rich Moore welcomed two new members to the Woodridge Rotary Club, Bill Thompson and Adrienne Murphy.

Rich Moore gave an update of the Club's accomplishments during 2024. The success of the Club's second annual holiday gala which was held in December of 2023 at Bobak's provided enough revenue to support two great projects, the purchase of a war memorial for Woodridge VFW Post 1578 and a cargo shipment of medical equipment and supplies for Project Cure, a local Woodridge organization.
Moore spoke of last years Rotary theme which was "to create hope in the world" and thanked all of the club members and the community for their support regarding this program.
There were three scholarship winners (and their families) who attended the dinner, Maija Flannery, Juliana Urgello and Sara Ryan from Downers Grove South High School. The recipients competed for these awards by submitting an application accompanied by their story of accomplishments of volunteering in our community. The scholarship awards were mailed directly to their selected colleges. John Kozlowski, executive secretary, presented the award certificates to the students. Rich Moore, President gave each of the students a globe of the world to remind them that each person can make a difference in this world.


Before Rich Moore passed the gavel to Denise Kraft, the club's new president, he sang a few bars of the song 'You have the whole world in your hands' and wished them well.
Denise Kraft will assume the role of President of the Woodridge Rotary Club. She has been a member of the club since 2018. Denise has volunteered for many organizations in our community including the West Suburban Food Pantry. The new theme for Rotary International for 2025 and 2026 is "The Magic of Rotary". Denise said that the Woodridge Rotary Club will continue to support local organizations like, "Neighbors Helping Neighbors" and other local charities. The 2024 Gala will be held on December 4th at Bobak's, more details will be released shortly. The fundraising activities will support NAMI and Autism.

Denise was surrounded by many family members and friends who pledged to help make this Rotary year a magical experience.

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